I'm looking outside at the rain, filled with the greatest mixture of feelings. Right now i sit, bundled up in layers of clothing, I have a roof over my head and the loud grumble coming from my belly can be cured by a couple of steps to the refrigerator. Yet..at the same exact moment, millions around the world are not so lucky. In Haiti, an earthquake devestated basic infrastructure and broke all connections to normality the citizens knew. In the poorest parts of Africa, children lay almost lifeless, too hungry to make a sound as a distressed parent looks over their child powerless and unable to provide.
How does a world that brings such beauty such as snow on christmas, magestic wildlife and human kindness bring about the greatest pain. As I sit here I know an answer I probably will not get, but my prayer is I ma be used as a vessel that spreads happiness. I know the loud and opinionated voice I was given was a gift, I am aware that the strong belief I have in humanity is for a reason. I Pray that as I grow older I may realize my abilities, my strength that allows me to lead others to believe in themselves, My courage that gives me the strength to face situations I would rather avoid, and the wisdom to humble myself in times when I should be a follower and not a leader.
As I sit here watching the rain fall I pray that I pray that I may be a functioning individual in society and not just a person living each day.
~Bless the people in Haiti,and all those around the world unable to chose to get out their horrible situations~
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